Dark Haiku

My horror writing roots come out

K R Smith
1 min readAug 30, 2022

I decided to do one more little haiku this month. I haven’t done a horror poem in a while and the mood struck when I was looking at some artwork I’d done a while back. I decided to add a few words to it to set the mood! It also gave me the chance to use the work ‘daren’t’ — which I don’t do often…

Image of a  dark swamp with dead trees and moonlight in the water.

For those using a screen reader, the haiku is:

Even the full moon
Daren’t brighten the dusky mists
Within evil’s lair

FYI, from my research, the first use of daren’t was as far back as 1770, so it suits the archaic wording and eldritch mood of the piece. Makes you wonder what sort of evil awaits one in that swampy world! It’s also good that daren’t is pronounced as one syllable or I’d have to do a bit more work to get the 5–7–5 count.

To see links to my other haiku posts, please check this LIST!
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K R Smith

Writing, artwork, music — maybe even a recipe for chili.