Member-only story
A Hint Of Spring
There have been a few warm days lately. Nature didn’t let them go to waste! A few flowers are starting to bloom. I saw these on an ornamental plum tree just north of Dumfries, Virginia, USA. The brisk wind made them dance against a beautiful sky — I couldn’t resist taking a few pictures. I also thought I would try something different, so I made a short video!
FYI, Dumfries claims to be the “oldest continuously chartered town in Virginia.” It used to be a big tobacco port. Its value as a port has long since waned; it is now known as a bedroom community for the DC area and for the nearby Quantico Marine Corps Base.
For those using a screen reader, the haiku is:
Budding flowers dance
To the rhythm of the wind;
The waltz of new life
I’ve also added a GIF format of the video here. It can be saved and used as long as attribution is given (GIF titled MARCH 2023 HAIKU — K R SMITH.gif created by K. R. Smith will work, but I’m not really picky…).

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