Straight Up

The darker it is, the easier to see the light?

K R Smith
6 min readFeb 2, 2023

This is a story based on the image prompt from Miranda Kate’s Weekly Flash Fiction Challenge. You can see the prompt by clicking on the link. This is her intro from the challenge page:

This week’s picture comes from Andy Poplar, who makes these incredible bottles, at Vinegar & Brown Paper — do have a look, there are loads of others, also household bottles. Brilliant idea. I can’t find this pic on his site, but I suspect it used to be there as it dates back to 2017 (when it was first shared), and the page people link to is not found on his company site. I wonder if he sold this as a print as he does some of them. I love the colour contrast and the reflection in this one.

I know Miranda states a limit of 750 words in her rules, but I’ve blown past that like a locomotive going downhill in an ice storm. Well, you get the idea. Somehow, I went up to 1,019 words, not including the title. So much for self control…

So, on to the story. I’m not sure how to describe it. Horror? Noir? Morality play? Anyway, it’s called Straight Up.

Straight Up

It wasn’t a part of town I knew, but it’s where I ended up after walking around in a daze half the night. All the thoughts swirling around inside my brain had me in a funk I couldn’t shake…



K R Smith

Writing, artwork, music — maybe even a recipe for chili.