K R Smith

K R Smith


44 stories

This is a photo of a 5-lined skink on a piece of weathered wood. From Wikipedia: The five-lined skink is a species of lizard in the family Scincidae. The species is endemic to North America. It is one of the most common lizards in the eastern U.S. and one of the seven native species of lizards in Canada.
An image of a piece of toasted bread on a plate  with a pat of butter on top. A butter knife sits on the right-hand side of the plate.
A pictorial weaving by Bobbi Joe Whitehair titled “Moon of the Dragonflies.” It shows a yellow and blue moon on a black background  over a desert landscape. There are dragonflies on each side of the moon.
K R Smith

K R Smith


63 stories

A photo of a monarch butterfly caterpillar eating a milkweed leaf. The caterpillar is encircled by yellow, white, and black stripes.
A photo of Hidden Pond. There are trees overhanging the edges. The water is mostly covered in duckweed, a small aquatic plant.
K R Smith

K R Smith


34 stories

A man and woman setting next to each other on a bench not looking at each other. There is a bridge and hills in the hazy distance.
A pair of crows wait for food  on snow-covered branches. Some of them k=like cat kibble; some like peanuts.
Photo of the moon by K. R. Smith taken September 2023. It is a half moon against a blue sky.
K R Smith

K R Smith


5 stories

Giant worm in exposed worm tunnel.
Light from a setting sun comes through a chain link fence.
K R Smith

K R Smith


2 stories

K R Smith

K R Smith


9 stories

A young woman standing looking out over the ocean. There are marshy areas in front of her.
A young woman going down a wet path through a grassy area being followed by a huge worm.
K R Smith

K R Smith


6 stories

A man holds his hand up to refuse something. Mostly what is visible is the hand.
The words “Flash Fiction” on a dark blue background with a lightning bolt down the right side.