Haiku for June 2024 — Hidden Pond
Before going on, I’d like to give a shout-out to those who clapped for my recent posts. Please check out their Medium sites — they may have just what you’re looking for!
Thank you!
Now for this month’s haiku…
I can only go so long in what passes for civilization these days. Once I reach my limit, it’s back to nature I go. While I understand the natural world isn’t some idealized anthropomorphic Utopia, there is beauty to be found — and interesting creatures and plants. Being outdoors also reminds me that I am a part of that world — even though it may not always be peaceful or pretty. But I’ll stick with the pretty parts today.
There is a park nearby, Hidden Pond, which is part of a trail system that passes along a stream. This is where these photos were taken.
Where there is water there is life. So what self-respecting pond wouldn’t have a few dragonflies hovering around! I believe this one is an Eastern Pondhawk, but I’m not an expert on identifying these. They are, however, the subject of the first haiku.